Monday, 8 June 2009

Isaiah Chapter 21

V 11

“Watchman, what is left of the night?
Watchman, what is left of the night?”

This guy really does want some answers. “Please just tell me...what is going on out there?”

I often feel like this when I look at our society and the world beyond and, if I allow myself to imagine life without a loving God, can elevate panic to my primary emotion! It is a wonderful enemy strategy to make us feel there is no hope; it can paralyse and reduce us to anxious questioning. How many of our neighbours operate like this? Who are people turning to for answers?

If we, as God’s people, can’t act as watchmen then who’s doing the job? Who is taking notice of enemy action? Who is seeking God’s wisdom and help? Who is offering hope and a future?
I believe God is calling us again to take on this role.
I pray our lives reflect God’s peace and power so that those struggling to make sense of life may look to us for answers and, in doing so, meet the living God.

Becky Hartley

1 comment:

Ken said...

Thanks Becky

Good thought