Monday, 1 June 2009

Isaiah Chapter 16

This chapter continues of the prophecy concerning Moab begun in Ch 15. When threatened by attack, the people of Moab usually looked for security in their mountain stronghold of Sela, the area of Petra in Jordan. Rather than sit tight like birds on their nest, God has stirred them up and made them seek refuge as vassals in Zion. Their tribute would be the gift of lambs, (v1 & 2).

In v 3 to 5, God instructs His people to put their mind and strength into the welfare of these fugitives, lovely words which at one level foretell what God will do through David’s greater Son, Jesus.

Moab was the son of Lot through his incestuous relationship with his eldest daughter (Gen 19). His descendants occupied the mountainous south east end of the Dead Sea. Such an unpromising start does not exclude all Moabites from God’s grace, which thankfully extends to all sinners. An example is Ruth, a Moabite and David’s grandmother, who is drawn into the royal line that leads directly to Jesus.

Isaiah, however, sees through to the heart of the Moabite problem…..their pride ….which will prevent them responding to God’s offer of shelter in Zion. Their choice will result in them being conquered within 3 years, with all the attendant grief that goes with such an end (v6 to 13). Verse 12 is an apt reminder of the futility of all pagan religion.

This chapter speaks directly to us of the consequences of our decisions and choices…… will you accept God’s outrageous Grace as revealed in Jesus, or will you fall foul of your own false gods and pride? The choice is yours. Read verse 4b and 5 again.

Andy Poulsom

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