Tuesday, 26 June 2007

How do I want you to treat me?

Several people has said they found the last bit of Sunday morning's message useful, and on request here it is. It started with the Golden Rule ("do to others what you would have them do to you") and then asking "How then would I want to be treated?" Using 1 Corinthians 13 as a starting point, for me it came out like this ...

I want you to be patient with me and kind. I don’t want you to envy me if I am successful or appear to have gifts that you do not have. I don’t want you to boast when you do things better than me. I don’t want you to be rude towards me. I don’t want you to be totally preoccupied with your own interests, but have an eye to mine as well. If I get things wrong, I don’t want you to blow up at me. In fact, I’d like you to destroy the record you have in your head of the mistakes that I have made.

If I lose my way, I don’t want you to rejoice in my downfall. When I walk with God, I want you to give thanks with me for what God has done. I want you to watch my back, to protect me from those people and things that would bring me down. I want you to trust me, to think the best of me, and to persevere with me.

That’s how I want you to treat me. Is that not how you would like me to treat you?

1 comment:

BerriGoodScents Candles, Soaps, Fresheners said...

Amen!!!!! I wish everyone felt that way. Praise God!