According to the Baptist Times last Thursday (comment, p13) "only 27 per cent of Baptist churchgoers read the Bible for themselves at least once a week."
I went back to the results from our annual survey last December and was pleasantly surprised by the comparison which showed a 77% figure for CBC. If we were in the game of league tables we could get quite smug at this point.
But we're not, are we? Our standard is not the 'average' Baptist church in the UK, whatever an average Baptist church looks like. Our standard must be Jesus' standard, because our hope is that CBC will be full of people committed to following Jesus. Such people will be reading the Bible most days because they love their Lord and want to walk closely with him. When we look at the CBC figures for personal Bible reading 'most days' or 'every day' the number drops to 53%.
So we continue to pray that more people will take up the practice of regular personal Bible reading, not because it's a CBC priority, but because they love Jesus and want to walk more closely with him.